“What I love about Torah In Ten is that no matter how swamped I may be at work or home, I can always manage to protect the weekly 10 minute window which I set aside in my calendar to learn something from the Parsha...While this weekly learning is of course good for my own personal growth, the main reason I commend it to others is because I have carried these nuggets of Jewish thought over from my Torah in Ten session to my Shabbat dinner table, where my kids take up the thread of the conversation much to my and my wife’s delight. We are proud to sponsor the publication and distribution of Torah in Ten and hope you and your family gain as much from it as we do.”



“The Rabbi and I try to spend some time every week in-person or on zoom learning Torah in Ten. It makes me a better person. I feel like I am growing tremendously with these meetings and I know that they carry into my business life. The beauty of learning is that it can always be applied to today, to life. It helps me help other advisors give counsel to their clients too. I consider my relationship with the JBN and its members one that makes me a better Jew, a better friend and a better person.” 


“Torah in Ten has allowed me to offer something of real substance to local professionals. With its catchy design and ten-minute proposal, it appeals to a significant segment of time-strapped members of our community. It has enabled me to create meaningful relationships and share the relevance, wisdom, and inspiration of Judaism for our modern lives.”

- Rabbi Mendy Schochet, Chabad of Palm Beach, Florida